(副教授Associate Professor、博士Doctor)
1.研究领域 Research field:
机器学习,智能视频分析,信息安全,医学图像处理Machine Learning, Intelligent Video Analysis, Information Security, Medical Image Processing
2.主要代表成果Research achievements:
[1] Ming Zhao,Hsiao-Yu Lin ,Chih-Hung Yang,Chih-Yu Hsu, Jeng-Shyang Pan and Meng-Ju Lin. Automatic Threshold Level Set Model Applied on MRI Image Segmentation of Brain Tissue [J]. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 9(4), 2015: 1971-1980. (SCI)
[2 ] Zhao, Ming, Jeng-Shyang Pan, and Shuo-Tsung Chen. "Entropy-based audio watermarking via the point of view on the compact particle swarm optimization." Journal of Internet technology, 16.3 (2015): 485-493. (SCI).
[3] Zhao, Ming, Jeng-Shyang Pan, and Shuo-Tsung Chen. "Optimal SNR of Audio Watermarking by Wavelet and Compact PSO Methods." J. Inf. Hiding Multim. Signal Process. 6.5 (2015): 833-846. (SCI, EI)
[4]ZHAO, Ming. A novel compact cat swarm optimization based on differential method. Enterprise Information Systems, 2020, 14.2: 196-220. [5]Wu, Haitao, and Ming Zhao. "Genetic Algorithm with Fuzzy Inference for Convergence Acceleration." Journal of Internet technology,18.4 (2017): 919-926. (SCI)
[6] ZHAO, Ming, et al. Private Data Hiding System Using State-Switch DWT Coefficients Quantization on Digital Signal. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2022, 2258002 (SCI)
[7] ZHAO, Ming; TONG, Xindi; LI, Jie. Integration of Quantization Watermarking and Amplitude-Thresholding Compression for Digital Audio Signal in the Wavelet Domain. International Journal of Network Security, 2021, 23.3: 473-479. (EI)
[8] Zhao Ming, et al.(2022) Intelligent Healthcare System Using Patients Confidential Data Communication in Electrocardiogram Signals. Front. Aging Neurosci. 14:870844. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2022.870844. (SCI)
[9] Zhao, Ming, Meng Li, Sheng-Lung Peng, and Jie Li. 2022. "A Novel Deep Learning Model Compression Algorithm" Electronics 11, no. 7: 1066. (SCI)
[10] Zhao, Ming, et al. "A Novel Fusion Pruning Algorithm Based on Information Entropy Stratification and IoT Application." Electronics 11.8 (2022): 1212. (SCI)
3.电子邮箱(EMAIL): hitmzhao@gmail.com